Wednesday, May 23, 2012

One more has arrived....

Today Craig arrived in Istanbul....minus his suitcase!  Supposed to be able to pick it up tomorrow a.m. when we all go to the airport for our flight to Ankara.  The other 4 are arriving there today!  Tomorrow the official RFE exchange begins.  Tonight we who were in Istanbul (Roseners had gone to Ephesus today) had a "Rotary Experience."  We met Zakir Yenilmez whom Betsy had put us in contact with.  Zakir had been an exchange student through Rotary in Owatonna about 8 years ago.  Betsy had gotten to know him on her last trip to Turkey and was our liason.  We thoroughly enjoyed the time spent with him and his girlfriend Beste.  (Joanne had her own Rotary experience today which she will probably relate at some time)!

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