Friday, May 25, 2012

Ankara is awesome!

So the "pieces" of our Rotary puzzle have finally all come together here in Ankara. Our team of ten is complete. The 2 cases of lost luggage have been resolved . We have all been treated royally by our host families in Ankara!  Today we toured Ataturk's mausoleum surrounded by Peace Park with trees from all around the world. We saw remarkable ruins of a HUGE Roman bath complex, the Museum of Anatolian Civilization, Ankara Castle with a sweeping 360 degree panorama of the City. All in all a wonderful, wonderful day. Local Rotarians planned the day. Some of them escorted us and they selected a very good guide. We sere all given silk scarves at a shop owned by a Rotarian, and we had a meal of "Alexander" at a restaurant owned by another Rotarian.. Our main "problem" is finding time to write on the blog and figüre put how to read the Turkish instructions that sometimes appear. Photos forthcoming hopefully!

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