Thursday, June 7, 2012

Water Project Celebration in Cappadocia

(Thanks to Craig for this description of the project.)

     Craig Leiser (DG 5960 2010-11) and Kemalettin Erbilgin (DG 2430 2010-11) met in San Diego at DG International Assembly. Potential for joint venture projects were discussed. On arriving home in Turkey, Kemalettin asked DRFC Malik Aviral to initiate a program. The Rotary Club of Cappadocia had one ready to consider in the village of Bozcakoy, Cappadocia:  A water resource project, which was what Craig had asked for. 
     Ultimately, 5 clubs in District 5960, one club in Germany (Ingleheim) and 10 clubs in Turkey contributed $60,250 (including TRF Matching funds for District DDF) to this project. The intent was to replace 12 KM of old and dangerous asbestos reinforced concrete piping (causes mesotheliomia, a variety of cancer) with new high density polyethylene. A village operating committee was also formed to facilitate installation and ongoing operations (added connections for example). Completion has been accomplished and Rotarians and leaders of District 5960 and 2430 were present in the village on June 2, 2012 to see the turn on and community excitement.
Craig and Kemalettin who is sporting the Rotary District 5960 shirt that Craig gave him!

Peeking at some of the new pipe laid beneath this street.
Even the children sence the excitement in the village today.

An "official" picture documenting the occasion.
Out to a local farm for a celebration.  The women were making flatbread in the garage.
Serving the flatbread

With Kemalettin's wife and our Adana Rotaract friend Sude

A real feast to behold!

                                   Ti me to say "Good-bye" and "Thank you" for a wonderful celebration!

View from our bus before the waving began!

I hope their memories are even half as wonderful as ours!!!!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Swimming and Relaxing at Olympos

Swimming in the Mediterranean

Idyllic Setting at the Olympos Ruins

 Sedef Bircan, the RFE chair for the district, chats with our trusty bus driver during our lunch stop.
The search for shade.

By the sea, by the sea, by the beautiful sea.

Rotary Meeting in Kemer

All decked out for the Rotary Meeting in Kemer, a seaside town near Antalya.

Joanne and Lonna erxchanging club flags.

Jim and the Kemer Club President

Photos of Phaeselis

Main Street

We had a wonderful day yesterday swimming in the Mediterranean in the shadow of Mt. Olympus. I have no pictures to post (but will have hundreds to sort!), so will leave that to Rikki. Today we flew from Antalya to Adana and we had a "light" lunch at our hosts home. (Light means more than we eat for dinner at home. Wonderful food everywhere!)When I finish this we will go for a swim in our hosts pool, then a brief tour around the city sights, then on to special kabob dinner.(!)

In reading earlier posts, I see that there were some problems with tyoing on a Turkish computer! Hopefully you can interpret the meanings. More from the team later. Jeanne


Aspendos is the site of this huge Roman Amphitheater from 162. AD.  Seats 12,000!  Wouldn't you love to attend a play or concert here?  It is used each summer for a festival!

Always nice to have some explanation in English

 Betsy absorbing the atmosphere at Aspendos.
 Gladiator Steve.
Walkway behind the theater.  There was a big city!
Aspendos was one of the first ancient ruins we visited as a whole group.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Our First Rotary Club Meeting

Yesterday we presented at our first Rotary Club - The Perge Club of Antalya.  It was an evening meeting.  It is the club that the District Governor belongs to; fun to see him again after having met him at the Gala.